Welcome to our Partners Page! At CTGCT, we believe that collaboration and innovation go hand in hand. Our partners will provide advice on setting up: a good Good Manufacturing facility (GMP), innovation management contacts with regulatory agencies, links to industry and venture capital (VC), enhanced staff mobility, research innovation, the establishment of startups and training in topics that are not yet available in Slovenia, Together, we are pushing the boundaries of knowledge and making a lasting impact on society.


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The National Institute of Chemistry, as the project coordinator, contributes to the Centre’s cutting-edge expertise in the field of the development of therapeutics for cancer and genetic diseases in combination with synthetic biology.


UCL is an advanced partner and has expertise in translation of biomedicine and will be a key international strategic partner. They advise on the organisation of the Centre, and support the transfer of therapies from laboratories to patients and the market.


UMC Utrecht has access to the latest technology providers and experience in the establishment of a GMP facility. This advanced partner's knowledge is vital to setting up the such premises.


TU Dresden is also and advanced partner and provides expertise, technology and equipment for gene editing and regeneration towards new therapies such as neurodegenerative and haematological diseases.


Charité, is the advanced partner with one of the largest university hospitals in Europe and enhances CTGCT’s capabilities for refined transfer of research results to the first-in-human clinical practice and further accessibility of the ATMP as a treatment option for patients.

The pursuit of developing an advanced healthcare ecosystem is not a matter for an individual organization but of the entire community.

The Centre will connect various stakeholders:

  • ACADEmic institutions,
  • industry and the entrepreneurial community,
  • patients’ rights organisations,

Only in this way can we create advanced therapies that will have high efficacy, will be well accepted, and properly financially supported.

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Ajša Vodnik,MSc., CEO of AmCham Slovenia and Vice President of AmChams in Europe

“The Best of the Best program of the American Chamber of Commerce in Slovenia – AmCham Slovenia, presents and rewards the best business practices in the innovative Slovenian business ecosystem. In 2021, the National Institute of Chemistry’s CCEdit project earned the trust of both the expert committee and the broader business community, and became the best business practice – Best of the Best 2021. We are aware of the importance of the excellent CCEdit story and its continuation with an initiative by the Centre for Gene and Cell Therapy Technologies. International connections between different stakeholders are necessary for the development of global competitiveness in all industries, and especially in the field of medicine and biotechnology. We believe such a facility will give Slovenia a globally competitive biomedical development center, so we strongly support this initiative.”



Jernej Pintar, PhD CEO of Technology Park Ljubljana

“Slovenia has high competences in genetic & cell therapies. If we want these competences to create economic effects, we need to make a next step: to establish a center (CTGCT) that would harness the research & business potential. This field is characteristically very complex and very financially intensive. This is not a field that can be established half-heartedly. So strong support is a necessity. Technology park Ljubljana is willing to support the creation and running of such a center. Especially in the field of creation of startups and their growth.”





Mateja Urlep, co-founder & CEO Niba Labs

“Advanced therapies are poised to transform healthcare. Early products to market have demonstrated profound, durable and potentially curative benefits that are already helping thousands of patients worldwide. Currently, Slovenia is lacking the premises that will enable transition of the research of the drug candidates into first in human clinical studies as strict GMP clean rooms, requiring substantial initial investments, are mandatory at that stage. Slovenian scientists have already demonstrated cutting edge expertise in the research of most advanced technologies. The establishment of CTGCT will enable cutting-edge research, development of advanced gene and cell therapy products and clinical stage manufacturing to support first in human studies followed by pivotal clinical research programmes. It will enhance the competitiveness of Slovenia and EU in the field of gene & cell therapy products and create an eco-system attracting talent & big pharma collaborations.”



With the team of prof. dr. Jerala we have been collaborating for the last two years, both in the development of potential gene therapy and their efforts to establish a CTGCT center in Slovenia. Such a center would mean exceptional progress in gene therapies in Slovenia and worldwide and give parents back the hope that there is a better future for their children. Moreover, in rare diseases such as CTNNB1, patients’ organizations must be full partners with clinicians and researchers for rapid and effective advancement of research. Therefore, the foundation supports the efforts for the project, and at the same time, we are committed to being active stakeholders in their activities upon successful establishment.

Špela Miroševič, MS Co-Founder, President

‘The 3rd floor Heroes’, founded in 2020, is a patient society that brings together parents of children with cancer. ‘The 3rd floor Heroes’ are children who are or have been treated at the haemato-oncology ward on the 3rd floor of the Paediatric Clinic in Ljubljana. The objectives of our society are financial, social and psychological assistance to heroes and their families during and after the treatment of this insidious disease, on the basis of their own experience. Within a short period of the society’s activity, we helped to improve the conditions for the treatment of children with cancer in the hemato-oncology department of the Paediatric Clinic in Ljubljana by amending medical legislation, numerous donations of medical and technical devices, renovation of premises and additional activities that increase the quality of hospitalization. Many children need tailored treatment, special diagnostic tests, and medical care abroad. The establishment of the Centre for Technologies of Gene and Cell Therapy (CTGCT) shows that the percentage of these will be lower and the percentage of cured will be higher.

Urška Kolenc, President of the 3rd floor Heroes society

Screenshot 2024 08 19 At 14 09 38 Idefine Europe Foundation For The Advanced Treatment Of Rare Genetic Diseases IDefine Europe, Foundation for the Advanced Treatment of Rare Genetic Diseases is a non-profit organisation based in Slovenia and a member of Eurordis. It was established to connect different fields of science and healthcare for rare disease research. IDefine Europe is a partner organisation of IDefine (non-profit based in USA), together this two patient advocacy organisations have a global reach in advocating Kleefstra syndrome and are connecting researchers, clinicians and parents from across the globe. We want to improve the lives of children with neurodevelopmental disorders caused by rare genetic diseases. Based on data collection, data analysis and the generation of new knowledge, the primary purpose is to transfer knowledge, both to parents of children with rare diseases and to professionals. Focused on technology (AI/ML, data science), data, and knowledge transfer, we are trying to find new treatments and cures based on cell and gene therapies. We express our support for the establishment of the Centre for the Technologies of Gene and Cell Therapy. We believe that this Centre is very much needed and can serve to Europeans and beyond.

Tanja Zdolšek Draksler, PhD, founder and president of IDefine Europe, Foundation for the Advanced Treatment of Rare Genetic Diseases






“Slovenia needs innovation in the field of bioscience. At VTIS (Association of Slovenes Educated Abroad) we strive to facilitate knowledge circulation between Slovenia and the world. Projects like CTGCT, present a unique opportunity to bring Slovenia closer to the global biotech landscape, and join the next technological revolution in biology. We believe that the Centre is an excellent opportunity for knowledge transfer aiming to gather experts from different fields under one roof, where they will be able to operate interdisciplinary with a concrete vision of applied science. We hope that the project will become a model for the academic community in Slovenia.”

Time Weber, Board Member VTIS



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CTGCT project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme (grant agreement No. 101059842) and UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) under the UK government’s Horizon Europe funding guarantee (grant number 10069462).

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Research Executive Agency (REA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.