At the Centre for Gene and Cell Therapy Technologies CTGCT at the National Institute of Chemistry, we welcome Slovenia’s entry into the European Research Partnership for Rare Diseases ERDERA. With Slovenia’s accession, new opportunities for international cooperation are opening up for Slovenian research institutions and companies, as well as clinical organizations. The development of new drugs is a big undertaking, both scientifically, clinically, financially and in terms of time, and in the field of rare diseases, the possibility of returning investments is smaller than in more widespread diseases, so the only possible way and hope for rare diseases is the cooperation of various actors.
Slovenia’s entry into ERDERA was supported with their efforts by various partners, including the National Institute of Chemistry and CTGCT, the Jožef Stefan Institute, the University Clinical Center of Ljubljana, the Associa
tion of Patient Organizations of Slovenia, and others. The Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation and the Ministry of Health assumed and carried out the decisive role, with the latter becoming the point of contact for the tenders that are ongoing in ERDERA.
International cooperation is the only platform on which progress can be made in the field of rare diseases. There are not enough patients for each individual disease in any of the EU member states, but cooperation creates a critical mass that enables breakthrough cooperation. New advanced drugs for rare diseases are not only a victory for the individual, their family, their doctor and their hospital, or even their country, but it is a breakthrough that changes this world for the better for an individual group of patients, and based on the acquired knowledge, for other groups as well patients, and so on up to practically 10% of the population, as many as are estimated to be patients with rare diseases.
The first joint transnational funding call, in which research organizations, companies and hospitals can already participate, is already underway, the deadline for pre-applications is February 13. CTGCT believes that due to the exceptional potential and knowledge of Slovenian biopharmaceutical experts, Slovenia can play an important role.
CTGCT hereby invites all members of the translational medicine ecosystem to view the tender documentation and to apply for the ERDERA call, independently or in conjunction with CTGCT. For additional information, you can also contact, phone: 01 476 0236
For additional information, contact, phone: 01 476 0236.